Summer Exhibition at Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford
The Summer Exhibition had a number of challenges this year. Firstly the weather ! So much rain! And with the struggling economy and people going away for their holidays, it was always going to be slightly different.
However, there were plenty of visitors who enjoyed their visit. Over 750 votes were received for the Favourite painting competition. This was won by Reg Siger with his wonderful painting of Kersey. Reg has received a SAA voucher for art materials.

Summer Exhibition winner, Reg Siger, with the public’s favourite painting .
Although sales were down by a third on 2022, there were still just under 80 artworks sold. 35 artists achieved sales as well as one or two gaining commissions.
The society was grateful to the public who were generous in their donations to our chosen charity, The East Anglian Children’s Hospice. The figure raised will be confirmed in due course.
The members will come together again in October for the Autumn Exhibition at Bury Cathedral.